Louse Harbour to Upper Mount Cove - day 38

It was another day full of highs and lows. We left our anchorage early expecting light winds and low seas and instead got largish swell and medium winds. Seeing as we are ocean sailing noobs this made us anxious and it wasn't until a couple of hours in when the sea state and wind had both calmed some that we were able to start ot enjoy what was actually a really nice sail. Just when we had relaxed and were enjoying ourselves the wind picked up again and got quite heavy as we were picking our way between islands up to the anchorage we had chosen for the night. Once we got into the cove things calmed and we could take in some of the scenery. We had to cross past an adorable little cable ferry on our way to our beautiful anchorage beside Mount Misery.

We chose this particular anchorage despite the name of mount misery, because of a single review from 2014 that said there was a brook with little waterfalls that you could hike up. Seeing as there was only one review and it was ten years old Jesse and I didn't have very high hopes. Aria on the other hand was super excited about the possibility of swimming in a waterfall. So once the anchor was set we got in the dingy and headed to shore to see what we could find. On the way we stopped to check out the strange structure floating in the middle of the bay. It turned out to be a very cool, public, floating picnic spot with a BBQ, picnic tables and porta potty.

When we got ashore the brook was there and it was magically beautiful. We had a great time hiking up it and splashing around in the fresh water. Aria was particularly excited because swimming in a waterfall was one of her dreams for this trip.

As evening approached we headed back to the boat for dinner. Aria wanted to eat on the picnic barge so I made some gnocchi and we brought it over for a whole new kind of dinner out.

After dinner we watched a show and were just getting ready for bed when we realized that the boat was surrounded by bio-luminescent plankton. Seeing this phenomenon has long been on my bucket list and it was as amazing as I had hoped. Every time we touched the water it looked like fairy dust. Moving a paddle through the water made particularly amazing patterns of light. After marvelling at this for a time is was finally time for bed.

The days out here a so often full on. It's hard to believe how many different feelings and experiences we can go though in a single day. It sometimes feels like we are cramming years of living into a matter of weeks.

Previous: The Little Basin to Louse Harbour - day 36 and 37 Next: Upper Mount Cove to Tuffin Island - day 39