point claire to la ronde - day 8

Onwards! We said our goodbye's and Au revoir's this morning, and did one last shopping run in Point-Claire for some iced coffee's, and a stop at the used clothing store for a sweater for Aria (I'm not sure why she needs a new sweater in this heat, but she assured me she does), and a couple of shirts for myself. We got the boat packed away and pushed off the dock on our way to the last set of locks.

The trip to the first lock was pretty smooth, followed the narrow channel out to the main shipping channel and then followed that down to the locks. Not much chance to sail, even though there were good winds, because the channel is tight, and we were on a schedule with the locks. But we did at least get a little motor sailing in with just the genoa.

We passed whiskey jack coming down the channel to the first lock. What an amazing looking boat to see on the water (even if it's just motoring past you).

Pretty busy lock, probably a dozen boats or so, and one big yacht named Viaggio. 4 sailboats, including the boat we were beside a few nights ago in Valleyfield. It's funny how often you end up bumping into the same boats as you make your way along. All four sailboats rafted up together so it was a very easy transit in that respect. Unfortunatley we did show up early (as you are suppose to), and the locks opened late. There isn't much place to dock up at on the downbound side of the Sainte Catherine lock, and although there is a small bay there, it was uncharted on navionics, and no one was venturing in there, so we all kind of idled around for an hour plus trying to move slowly while keeping steerage. This is annoying to do at any time, and especially for hours. A big ship came up the locks, and another down the locks, then we were able to go through.

The Saint Lambert lock was much easier as we didn't need to wait much, and with that completed we now done with the locks! We now sit only about 30 feet above sea level. After that long day we are very happy to be through them all, and we don't have to schedule around locks anymore. It may be even more complicated scheduling around tides, but at this point, I'd be happy for the change of scene.

After coming out of the locks it was a tiny short motor to La Ronde, which we have booked for two nights. Tomorrow we'll hit the park, and do some rides, and then there is a fireworks compitition tomorrow night that we can watch from the boat.

Previous: montreal - day 7 Next: la ronde - day 9