Annapolis to Sheephead Cove - day 88

After our provisioning run yesterday it was time to finally get off the dock and continue on. It was a very gusty morning, and as usual one of those days you don't really want to leave the dock. All the whistling wind in the rigging and haylards slapping makes it …

Annapolis - day 85, 86 and 87

We ended up spending 4 nights at the Eastport Yacht Center here in Annapolis. Kind of expensive at $4/ft per foot per night during the boat show, but we needed the downtime and the space at the dock we got here was quite excellent, only a few steps away …

Magothy River to Annapolis - day 84

Good solid sleep at another very clam anchorage. Much appreciated still after that one bad night at Reedy Island... It's funny how those things stick with you.

Nice calm morning with no rush as we only had a short hop to make to Annapolis today. We had booked 3 nights …

Rogues Harbour to Magothy River - day 83

Today ended up being a long sailing day. We sailed off anchor in super light winds on a nice sunny morning. Kinda drifted along under super light winds for a bit until the wind died completely. Motor sailed for about 10 minutes to pick up the wind again, and continued …

Schaefer's Marina to Rogues Harbour - day 82

Perfect Lefty made us some delicious rye sourdough bread that he made and delivered to us in the morning for breakfast. Super nice of him, and very much appreciated!

Nice easy start to the day, slow morning as we waited for the current to shift around. Got underway around 11am …

Reedy Island to Schaefer's Marina - day 81

After a very long night and very little sleep, it was time to get out of this anchorage. It wasn't all that bad in the morning as the winds had calmed down some, but it was nice to get underway.

We motored out through the north end of Reedy Island …

Sandy Hook to Reedy Island - day 79 and 80

Our weather window still looked good in the morning, so off we went. Raised sails and raised anchor and we were on our way. Pretty heavy winds to start out for a short upwind until we rounded the hook and started our long downwind sail along the New Jersey coast …

Port Washington to Sandy Hook - day 78

Today is the big day, we transit New York City. We had to time the tides today to make things easy on us. There can be quite a current running through the channels so you want to make sure you time things up correctly. We left with a slight current …

New York, New York - day 77

Made our way into New York city today. Water Taxi from the boat to Port Washington, a walk up to the train station, and $48 for return tickets for the three of us to Pen Station. Very cool, and about 40 minutes we were in Manhattan.

We spent some time …

Port Jefferson to Port Washington - day 76

Pulled anchor just after sunrise and made our way out of Port Jefferson. It had been a gusty night and we were a little worried about what the day was going to bring, but happily it wasn't too bad out there at all, and once we got our sails up …

Harry's Marina to Port Jefferson - day 75

Early start at pushed off the dock at sunset. Super calm at the marina, but nice winds as we got out to Long Island Sound. Quickly put the sails up, and started our long downwind run towards Port Jefferson.

Again, some sun today which was nice, and quick downwind sailing …

East Harbour to Harry's Marina - day 74

Woke up early again (every day?) in order to try and catch as much of the favourable current. Long Island Sound has more current than we had expected, and it makes some sense to try to use it to your advantage.

Nice easy start to the day, downwind on an …

Block Island to East Harbour - day 73

Short sail today. We got up and got the boat ready to go. The habourmaster came around and collected payment for the mooring ball, which was a discounted amount due to the off season which was nice. We motored out of the harbour and then raised sails. Great winds for …

Sandwich to Point Judith - day 71

Having two nights at the Marina in Sandwich was nice, but onward we go. Woke up very early in order to leave by 7:30am to take advantage of the current being in our favour through the Cape Code Canal. That proved wise and we made super quick time through …

Glouscter to Sandwich - day 69

Another long day planned, and we woke up before sunset to raise the anchor. Nice light winds to sail off anchor for a nice start to the day. It was very overcast and a bit dreary.

The last two days of sailing had been a lot and we knew the …

Maine Yacht Center in Portland to Kittery - day 67

Very long and challenging sail today. Predicted waves were 7 foot with a 10 second period, which we hoped we could handle, but haven't really had much experience with.

Coming out of Portland, the waves in the entrance were very large and confused, but did smooth out to just large …

Potts Harbour to Maine Yacht Center in Portland - day 65

Light winds in the morning, but enough to sail slowly down wind, and it was a short go today. So we raised full main and weighed anchor and drifted out of the harbour. Another funny downwind run through a bunch of islands and cuts, but all went nicely. Got to …

Ridley Cove to Potts Harbour - day 64

Short little hop planned for today, to get us a little closer to Portland, and then into some larger chunks down the coast. Hoping through the islands has been nice, but we know we are going to need to make some larger jumps in the near future once we get …

Burnt Island to Ridley Cove - day 63

It was a quiet morning when we awoke, thankfully no fog as that would have prevented us from moving on. We sailed off anchor in super light winds, only to find no better winds our of the anchorage, and so we ended up having to motor after a short bit …

Camden to Burnt Island - day 62

It was finally time to say goodbye and continue on our journey south. My Mom and and Aunt came down to the harbour in the morning and we rowed ashore to pick Aria up and say our goodbyes. We had such a wonderful time in Camden, but we must continue …

Isle Au Haut Thorofare to Camden - day 58

Calm morning on the mooring ball, but just enough wind to sail off the ball. I always love leaving in the morning under the silence of sail, something beautiful about it...

Nice sail out of the narrow thorofare, and then drifted out into the larger bay. Winds were really light …

Nova Scotia to Maine - day 55 and 56

This is our biggest passages on the trip so far, and making the hop from Nova Scotia to Maine is a big one for us. We had been watching this weather window for the previous 5 days or so, and as the date neared the it seemed to be materializing …

Shelburne to Cape Negro Island - day 53 and 54

We got the boat all back in order in the morning and into ready to sail shape. A few nights on the dock and the boat kind of changes into a tiny home and it takes a bit of work to stow everything away so it can survive being bashed …

Shelburne - day 51 and 52

We booked three nights at the dock in Shelburne Yacht Club to wait out the wind and rain. This was a nice bit of downtime for us again, and it was nice to relax and get a bit of work done, etc.

We went out for dinner at a nice …

Carters Beach to Shelburne - day 50

Kind of a funny wind day today. We were expecting some good easterly winds with a storm that was coming in this weekend. We raised anchor super early just before sunrise, and headed out. Carter's beach is exceptionally beautiful and worth the stop.

We left super early because we wanted …

Lunenburg to Carters Beach - day 49

It looks like we are going to be getting some weather on Saturday, so we decided to leave early and try and make a big hop to get us towards Shelburne where we hope to hold over for the weather and plan our next steps either making the jump to …

Lunenburg - day 48

We had a really wonderful day in Lunenburg. We were on a mooring ball, but it was a short row into the public dingy dock, and short walking to all the attractions.

You can read about more of the day on Aria's blog

I will mention the mooring balls were …

Clarke Island to Lunenburg - day 47

After some rest, we were hopeful for a good sailing day with some better winds. After weighing anchor we were under way and had the sails up making good way out of the anchorage. Unfortunately the wind wasn't quite as northerly as we had hoped, and so we were very …

Halifax to Clarke Island - day 46

We finally set out from Halifax, slightly hopeful for some good winds to make it to Lunenburg. Those winds didn't materialize though. We put up sails after coming out of the club, but they were light, and only getting lighter. So we put them away and motored out through the …

Shelter Cove to Halifax - day 42

I was hopeful for some good winds today, but didn't want to get my hopes up too much because wind predictions are just that. But today the prediction came in exactly as predicted and we had beautiful winds all day long. We were hoping to make Halifax in one go …

Tuffin Island to Shelter Cove - day 40 and 41

We woke up to a nice calm anchorage at Tuffin Island, with a bit of fog, but it seemed to be clearing. We got ready to depart and the fog had cleared up, so we motored out of the anchorage and then put up sails on some nice light winds …

Upper Mount Cove to Tuffin Island - day 39

We woke up at our anchorage in Upper Mount Cove to quite a bit of fog. Thankfully it cleared up for the most part by the time we wanted to leave, and so didn't pose any problems for us.

The wind was dead calm so we motored out of the …

The Little Basin to Louse Harbour - day 36 and 37

We weighed anchor from The Little Basin after our 2 night stay there, and headed out toward the Atlantic ocean at large. This anchorage was very well protected with nothing around it at all, and was exactly the remote anchorage we were craving for a bit of downtime. We headed …

Havre Boucher to The Little Basin - day 34

This was the dreaded pump out day. Woke up slightly scared about the job that needed doing. Raised anchor and sailed out well offshore. Winds were at least nice a favourable, so that part was easy and we could set the autopilot and focus on doing the pump out.

We …

Ballantynes Cove to Havre Boucher - day 33

We really enjoyed our stay in Ballantynes cove. This was a great place to stop over on our way towards the east coast, and is nicely situated at the tip of land jutting into the northumberland straight. Very friendly place, and we were gifted a bottle of wine from someone …

Caribou to Ballantynes Cove - day 32

We managed to get up early and weight anchor in time to follow the 7am ferry out of the channel in Caribou. Sadly there was no wind at all and so we ended up motoring the entire way. It was a rainy overcast day as well, so maybe just as …

Caribou - day 31

We decided to stay 2 nights at anchor and so just took this day as a bit of a down day. Aria and I built a fold down desk for her cabin with some supplies we picked up in Charlottetown and a stick we picked up on the beach.

We …

Charlottetown to Caribou - day 30

After our busy day in Charlottetown, and after a large re-provisioning while we had a car, we set of from the yacht club in the morning after getting a top off of diesel. It was another one of those mornings that sounded ominous, but once you get out and get …

Summerside to Charlottetown - day 28

After not being able to rent a car in Summerside, and deciding to slow down a bit while we wait and see what Ernesto decides to do, we decided to hop over to Charlottettown. The winds were forecast to be pretty light, but we were pretty ok with a light …

Riviere-au-Renard to Summerside - day 24 and 25

We decided on another large passage. Weather looked good for it, and there aren't many places to stop during this stretch that are easily on the way. So we got prepped, and made another early start and left the dock first thing in the am.

Initially not much if any …

Rimouski to Riviere-au-Renard - day 20 and 21

We left Rimouski very early in the morning with plans for a two day passage to Riviere-au-Renard. We decided to make a big hop to make up some time, and it happened the weather looked really good for sailing it.

We motored out of our slip and through the break-wall …

Tadussac to Rimouski - day 18

Early cold morning, we left the dock at Tadussac. I'm not sure what happens at Tadussac wind wise, but there always seemed to be very strong winds coming off the land and through the marina. We were pretty nervous leaving the dock, I think we are both out of practice …

Tadussac- day 17

Today was a down day, so no movement of the boat, just another night here at the dock in Tadussac. We decided to stay another night to just rest and relax. When we came in yesterday they had put us in a big boat slip, and so it's been amusing …

Cap-à-l'Aigle to Tadussac- day 16

We left Cap-à-l'Aigle around 6am in order to catch the out-flowing current. No wind to start but it picked up a bit later in the morning and so we were able to make good way downwind on just the genoa. We saw more minke whales and got a picture of …

quebec city to Port de refuge de Cap-à-l'Aigle - day 15

Alright, so this is a big leg of the trip we had been planning for. The key to this passage was to play the tides and current to make a fairly large hop from Quebec City to Cap-a-l'Aigle. This is 70 nautical miles, and depending on when you leave you …

preping to leave quebec city - day 14

Today was to be a pretty relaxing day, and it started as so. We woke up, made good use of the very wonderful marina facilities at the Quebec City marina, got some ice cream and then pushed off the dock. We were able to go straight into the small lock …

in quebec city - day 13

Today was a down day as we booked two nights at the marina here. We finally did some more detailed planning on the next leg of the trip and figured out how to traverse this next part of the river.

As the tide comes in and our it creates some …

portneuf to quebec city - day 12

So we are starting to have to plan our trips based on tides and current a little bit now. We wanted to leave at 6am from our anchorage in order to get into quebec city without large currents against us. So we pulled up anchor early in the morning after …