Rimouski - day 19

Spent the day in Rimouski relaxing a bit and getting ready for our next sail.

We took a cab over to the Site historique maritime de la Pointe-au-Père, which has the HMCS Onondaga submarine open for tours. This was a super cool thing to tour, and I'm glad we made it up here to see it. It's quite a marvel to see from the inside. The scale of it is kind of nuts and I still can't get over that it carried 380,000 litres of diesel.

We also visited the Empress of Ireland Museum located there. This is the second worst maritime disaster after the titanic, and happened near this location. We sailed over the location of the wreck on our way out the next day, which is slightly eerie.

We got back to the boat, barbecued some burgers for dinner, and got to bed early for our long passage the next day.

Previous: Tadussac to Rimouski - day 18 Next: Rimouski to Riviere-au-Renard - day 20 and 21