sanding, gunwale screws, skeg, foredeck install, more glassing

Lots of sanding work on the foils to get the edges all fixed up and ready for glassing the other side.

Added screws to the gunnels to prevent possible failure at that spot.

Glued on the re-enforcement strip to the skeg.

And the big job has been getting the foredeck installed finally. Lots of fitting and prep work, taped and final coated the inside of the hull, and then did the big glue up to put the deck permanently in place. I always find these big glue up jobs a bit scary, because if things go wrong it would be a really ugly mess. But lots of prep work and it usually goes pretty smoothly. I need to remember to block out more time though, it always takes longer than I expect.

Previous: glassing bulkheads and foils Next: gloss coating the foils, glassed skeg, and prep for gunwales glassing