After our traumatic night with the dingy, and the crapy nature of this mooring ball in the current, we woke up and decided to move over to an area called the aquarium to check that out. We were considering just dingying over from Cambrige, but it was time to leave and it made sense to get over there.
As we were leaving a big yacht was coming in to take the other big vessel mooring, so I think it was a good thing we were moving anyways.
We found a few mooring balls over by O'Brians Cay, which we didn't even realized were over there, so we picked up one of them, and that turned out to be much nicer. Not much current and we were very well protected here.
After we got settled in we dingy'd over to the aquarium and swam with all the fish. It is very much like being inside an aquarium. This is a small but very cool little area on the side of a tiny island. The fish get fed here all of the time by tour boats, and so they are all pretty friendly and interested in you.
We may spend a couple more days here, I need to do some repairs on the dingy just to patch up some places where water might get into the plywood after being on the rocks, so I might try to do that tomorrow as it looks like it will be calm for a couple of days.