O'Brians Cay to Black Point - day 187

We spent 3 days at O'Brians Cay. Our first day we got the dingy up on desk and did some epoxying to fix up the scratches and dents from the dingy going ashore on the rocks. That ended up being a full day on the boat since we couldn't dingy anywhere while it dried and set up. The next day Aria and I went to the aquarium again and spent the day hanging out on the beach with another boat family we met back in Ginn Sur Mer when we first crossed. Aria went for a hang out on their boat later that evening to play some switch with their son, and had dinner there.

But after three days on a ball at O’Brien’s Cay it was time to move on. We decided our next stop should be Black Point so we could get some provisions and so that we would be somewhere we could stay put the next day so that Jesse could work.

We had a bit of an up and down sail there. The wind was fairly light and on the nose but we were able to sail most of the way none the less. When we got there, we had a lovely surprise. Most of our buddy boat friends from Christmas were there. We received a really warm welcome to the anchorage and an immediate invite for Aria to join some of the other kids to watch Lord of the Rings.

We also met, for the first time, a boat even smaller than ours, a Bayfield 29’ from Kingston of all places. The next day, the wind was light but it came around from the west making the anchorage pretty rolly. This was unfortunate since Jesse had to work all day. The best way I can think to explain it is that it’s like trying to work while sitting on a trampoline with kids jumping all around you. Needless to say it was not his favourite day of the trip.

Aria and I fared much better. I went in to do laundry at the nicest laundromat I have ever been to. They had a dingy dock and lovely gazebo on the water and the whole place was impeccably clean. They also had showers that Aria and I were very happy to take advantage of! While my laundry was washing, I checked out the town, got rid of the trash and hunted down some homemade coconut bread. The lady who lives next door to the laundromat sells it out of her kitchen. I had heard that it was delicious and it was!

We had an early night and got ready to leave the next morning to continue making our way towards Georgetown.

Previous: Cambridge Cay to O'Brians Cay - day 184 Next: Black Point to Rudder Cut Cay - day 189