Camden to Burnt Island - day 62

It was finally time to say goodbye and continue on our journey south. My Mom and and Aunt came down to the harbour in the morning and we rowed ashore to pick Aria up and say our goodbyes. We had such a wonderful time in Camden, but we must continue on.

We stopped for a pump out and to fill up our water tanks, before heading out of the harbour and on then on our way. We had a short sail planned for the day as there wasn't much wind forcast. We motored most of the morning, and then got into some fog patches that are always a little challenging. Eventually we did get some wind, and tacked up towards Burnt Island where we had an anchorage marked.

Getting in was pretty easy, but anchoring in amoungst the lobster pots took some hunting. We found one place clear enough to drop the anchor and fell back to within 15 feet or so of some lobster pots. As the tide went out (and we got even closer) I had to shorten up scope a bit to not bump into them. Pretty chill night but lots of fog in and out. It was one of those spots that ended up feeling erie, but only because of the fog and crashing wave sounds on the other side of the island. We didn't end up going ashore and just made dinner, planned the next day, and got to sleep.

Previous: Camden - day 59, 60 and 61 Next: Burnt Island to Ridley Cove - day 63