Caribou to Ballantynes Cove - day 32

We managed to get up early and weight anchor in time to follow the 7am ferry out of the channel in Caribou. Sadly there was no wind at all and so we ended up motoring the entire way. It was a rainy overcast day as well, so maybe just as well. Ballantynes Cove is a beautiful little fishing wharf with some transient docks. Services are limited, but nice dock, and it really is a beautiful area. Also very cheap, only $45 for the night. We got in early just before 2pm, and we hit up the nearby fish and ships (cute name!) for some fish and chips.

There is a little blue fin tuna interpretive centre at the marina, and it was pretty neat to see. Tuna are pretty amazing fish. I didn't realize this, but just about all the tuna caught here are processed and immediately shipped (via plane) to Japan or other high end markets around the world.

There are some hiking trails in the area as well, so we got our rain gear out and went for a trek. Really beautiful trails in the area, but not super well marked so we did have to do some poking around to find the trail as it went across and up some small roads. It was a long hike uphill on the route we took, about 4km or so. Got a geocache that hadn't been found since 2021 too! The hike back downhill was much easier, and the rain turned into sunshine as well.

We skipped dinner after the very large late lunch, and just relaxed at the boat for a while. In the evening a fishing boat came in with a big tuna. We got to see it hoisted out of the water and fork trucked into the processing building. Really neat. Bit of a foggy night and pretty much exactly as you'd imagine a fishing wharf to be.

Previous: Caribou - day 31 Next: Ballantynes Cove to Havre Boucher - day 33