Harry's Marina to Port Jefferson - day 75

Early start at pushed off the dock at sunset. Super calm at the marina, but nice winds as we got out to Long Island Sound. Quickly put the sails up, and started our long downwind run towards Port Jefferson.

Again, some sun today which was nice, and quick downwind sailing. Pretty gusty winds, but when you are downwind that tends to be easy to take, and so worked out well.

We sailed the narrow inlet to Port Jefferson against the current. Went smoothly enough, but motoring in there might have been a wiser choice. We anchored in the north east corner of the harbour off another Mt Misery (we anchored off a Mt Misery in Nova Scotia as well). Again, despite the name, very beautiful spot. We were tired and didn't feel like doing anything but Aria convinced us it was worth while to put the dingy in the water and go ashore, and so we did and it was of course well worth it. Beautiful beach and we had a good time stretching our legs, collecting shells, and even picking up a geocache.

Got back to the boat for a late dinner (chicken curry, yum), and then off to bed, for yet another early start tomorrow!

Previous: East Harbour to Harry's Marina - day 74 Next: Port Jefferson to Port Washington - day 76