Hawksbill Cay to Warderick Wells - day 181

After a long rolly night and not much sleep, we woke up slightly grump and got underway. We slipped the mooring ball and sailed out with a double reefed main in the strong winds. When we got to the deeper areas we rolled out a bit of genoa and were flying downwind, hitting 7 knots over ground now and again. A far cry from our sail just yesterday averaging 2 knots in almost no winds.

It turned into some upwind fun as we came into Wardrick Wells, and we dropped the sails to motor in the last bit of the way to the mooring field which was directly upwind. Probably not wise to tack through the busy anchorage and mooring field in those conditions.

We got in and picked up another mooring ball right up close to shore where it was nice and protected from the winds. It was nice and calm there which was a relief.

There was another boat just a couple moorings away that we'd been talking to with a girl Aria's age. After we go in we were invited over for drinks and dinner along with the Danish boat we've cruising with (who are also anchored here in Warderick Wells). It was a wonderful time, and a always fun to sit around and share our sailing adventure stories. Also drinks with ice are a wonderful thing I'd almost forgotten about! We really appreciate the hospitality.

I think we are all looking forward to a good sleep tonight!

Previous: Shroud Cay to Hawksbill Cay - day 180 Next: Warderick Wells to Cambridge Cay - day 183