Super light wind day today, and we woke up to a very calm morning. I wanted to check out the well that was nearby, they say it was even used by pirates back in the day. I didn't realize there was any natural fresh water here, but this proves me corrected.
We rowed ashore (just beside where we were moored up at Shroud Cay) and it was just a short hike up to a small well, where there was indeed fresh water. Theone and Aria had a nice fresh water rinse (we've been pretty stingy with the freshwater showers on the boat lately). It's neat thinking about the history of these places and how important this fresh water hole would have been back through history.
After our little adventure we decided to sail out towards Warderick Wells Cay, but with the option of Hawsbill Cay if the wind couldn't take us that far (it was very light).
We sailed off the mooring ball nice and easy and then headed slowly downwind. It's pretty beautiful floating along on these waters. It was a slow go, topping out at 4 knots, but mostly averaging more around 2 or so. But a beautiful day to be floating around.
We decided to tuck into Hawsbill Cay as the winds weren't going to get us to Warderick Wells Cay, and so we floated in there and picked up a mooring ball under sail. Overshot on our first attempt, but timed it up nicely on our second. Kind of fun as this makes for a day with no motoring at all.
The wind was picking up from the south overnight, and we were hoping we might get enough protection at Hawksbill Cay (north anchorage), but this proved not to be the case. There we quite a bit of wave action coming around and into the anchorage and it was a pretty uncomfortable that evening/night. In retrospect, we should have motored on to Warderick Wells probably.