lac saint pierre to portneuf - day 11

Got up very early to get an early start to make it to an anchorage just outside of Portneuf. It was another zero wind day, so we pulled up anchor and then set out under motor across Lac Saint Pierre (which looks like a very large lake, but is more like a channel through the lake with shallow water all around it). You can probably sail it with a shallow draft boat and local knowledge, but you'd also need some wind which we didn't have.

We got stopped by the police which was a first for me. They boarded our vessel, and just did a check over with our licenses, registration, and safety equipment. We all checked out, although we didn't have our radar reflector rigged like we should have (on the long list of things we didn't get to before leaving).

We had a 60 nautical mile day to complete, and were expecting to get in rather late, but the current really pushes you along and we got in to Portneuf earlier than expected which was nice. It was flat calm and high tide (7 foot tide where we anchored), so we made sure to stay in deep enough water and easily set the anchor into the current. We had a wonderful dinner, and watched a movie, and it was a great evening. I hoisted up Aria in the bosun's chair and got her to ziptie the radar reflector in place. Nice to have light crew to hoist up there. Aria is now considering a job in rigging.

Checked the wind prediction and it looked like no wind or super light winds and so we though it was going to be an easy night. But around 11pm the winds started picking up. The wind was opposite the current and we wound up with the anchor line around the keel which was noticeable as we got pulled sideways to the waves. Anchoring in current+wind can be challenging. I ended up pulling the rode up enough so that we were mostly out with just chain which kept the line down and unwrapped from the keel. Because the wind was up and down I decided to keep a close eye on the anchor alarm and keep the amount of rode to a minimum to keep it from getting caught on the keel again. This worked out, and we didn't budge at all, but it was an uncomfortable night with waves hitting us on the stern which was kind of strange, and not very much sleep.

Previous: la ronde to lac saint pierre - day 10 Next: portneuf to quebec city - day 12