portneuf to quebec city - day 12

So we are starting to have to plan our trips based on tides and current a little bit now. We wanted to leave at 6am from our anchorage in order to get into quebec city without large currents against us. So we pulled up anchor early in the morning after our uncomfortable night at anchor and got underway. Waves were still pretty big with wind against the current, but they calmed down shortly after getting underway and it wasn't much of an issue.

It was another no wind motor day (except for the wind on the nose we had in the morning). Because of the currents we made pretty incredible time and got into the city before we expected too. We hit 10.1 knots over ground which is just silly, nearly 5 knots of current.

As we got closer to the city, Theone called the marina and we presume misunderstood something about our booking, and we thought we wern't going to be able to go to the marina in the city. So we decided to go anchor out as our backup plan, and dropped the anchor pretty early as we got into the city. We did some boat work (finished the starlink install, re-tightended the riggging). A blue heron gave us a visit and landed on the front of our boat to hang out for 5 minutes or so. We also saw a bald eagle catch a fish in the bay as we were coming in to anchor.

Then we got an email about our booking being confirmed and so we realized we could infact go to the marina. So we pulled up anchor under sail, and sailed around the city for a bit since there was enough wind to finally sail a little bit, and we had a bit of time to kill. I always enjoy sailing around these city harbours. It's tons of traffic, but something amazing about getting your sails up and doing it with that backdrop.

We got into the harbour and through the small lock that gets you into the marina at Quebec City. It's neat because they keep the marina at a constant water level, and you lock in and out of it depending on the tides (as opposed to the whole marina docks going up and down with the tide). Found our slip and tied up all snug at the dock.

Really beautiful marina right down in the city. We did a long walk around the old city checking out all the sights and sounds. Had a nice dinner and then returned to the boat for a movie and much needed sleep.

Previous: lac saint pierre to portneuf - day 11 Next: in quebec city - day 13