Magothy River to Annapolis - day 84

Good solid sleep at another very clam anchorage. Much appreciated still after that one bad night at Reedy Island... It's funny how those things stick with you.

Nice calm morning with no rush as we only had a short hop to make to Annapolis today. We had booked 3 nights there and so all we needed to do today was to get there. One thing we really needed to do was laundry. For whatever reason, everywhere we'd been lately didn't have laundry and so it was getting to the point where we looking for marinas solely on if they had laundry services or not.

The sail was funny, it was gusting at the anchorage and we figured we'd want to reef up quite a bit. I even considered rigging up the gale sail before leaving. But we decided to be lazy because it was a short downwind sail anyways, and just fly the genoa. Of course, when we got of the anchorage the winds weren't that bad, and we were only coasting along at 4 knot on the genoa only. Thinking it might pick up more once we got out into the bay at large, we continued on slowly, and once we got out there the winds were even lighter and we were hardly moving at all. So we put up the full main and that got us back to 5 knots which is good. It's always funny how different the winds are to what they feel like at anchor.

The winds did end up building more and were too much for full main and full genoa by the time we were coming into Annapolis, but we had to take the sails down anyways before heading into the marina so it all worked out well.

The marina we found with laundry services was Eastport Yacht Center, and so we called them up, and they were there to help us onto the dock when we came in. I do have to say the service at marinas in the USA has been pretty stellar. The marina's pump out dock was full, but they arranged the pump out boat to come around to our dock and do the deed which was very convenient.

And with that we got a boatload of quarters and started laundry. This is one place we really miss the loonie and toonies. Also immediately took advantage of the very nice showers. First showers since Long Island Sound, and again, nothing like going without to really make you appreciate something as simple as a warm shower. Glorious.

Previous: Rogues Harbour to Magothy River - day 83 Next: Annapolis - day 85, 86 and 87