Rogues Harbour to Magothy River - day 83

Today ended up being a long sailing day. We sailed off anchor in super light winds on a nice sunny morning. Kinda drifted along under super light winds for a bit until the wind died completely. Motor sailed for about 10 minutes to pick up the wind again, and continued on under sail. Winds built very quickly and we went from full sails and no wind to 15 knots of wind or so with a double reefed main. Winds built even more from there and we probably should have put up the gale sail, but we reefed the genoa expecting things to lighten up.

The winds never really let up though, and so we continued on through heavy winds pretty much the entire day. Thankfully not directly upwind today, but we were close hauled on a single tack for pretty much the entire way, just over 38NM.

It was calling for some pretty gusty and strong winds overnight and so we headed to a very protected anchorage on Magothy River, directly across from an impressive looking horse farm. It was a busy anchorage with 4 other boats in there, but lots of room to find a spot still.

Longer day than we would have liked, getting in to anchor just a short bit before sunset, but it was calm and beautiful at the anchorage and nice to be done for the day.

Enjoyed a good sleep even with the strong winds as the holding was great, and the anchorage was also nice and protected.

Previous: Schaefer's Marina to Rogues Harbour - day 82 Next: Magothy River to Annapolis - day 84