Mid Hudson Creek to Solomons Yachting Center - day 93

Stayed 2 nights on anchor in Hudson Creek. Very quiet area this time of year. Lots of big homes on the creek but they all look shut up for the season it seems like. I did a bunch of dingy sailing on our down day which was nice. Strongest winds I've sailed the PT11 in yet, and managed just fine. Did take some water in over the rail, but didn't flip it, so that is good! Had a great run up the creek and then a nice downwind run back to the boat. Even got Theone and Aria out for a sail as well in the evening when the winds were lighter.

We had a nice night at anchor and then left the next morning around 9:30. Super light winds, but we sailed off anchor and floated down the creek for the first hour. 2NM in 1 hour is not a great speed, but I do like slowly floating away from the anchorage in the morning. It's nice to just watch the wildlife and goings on while drifting silently along drinking coffee. A pair of bald eagles flew right over the boat which was very cool.

Eventually the wind ran our and we had to motor for 30 minutes to find it again. It was light all day, but we were able to sail back upwind to the bay, and then turn downwind. We put up the spinnaker and had a great run down the bay towards the Solomons. A ton of sailboats heading the same direction, but all motoring. This is one place where having a light boat works in our favour. The heavy winds aren't so fun for us, but these light wind days are beautiful. We rounded the buoy at the entrance to Patuxent River and put away the spinnaker and sailed up to the Solomons. We had some confusion about getting into dock at the Solomons Yachting Center (they gave us the wrong dock letter by accident), but having the proper dock assignment things made sense and we found our slip. Tight area to dock, and required reversing in to a slip right beside land, which is always a bit stressful, but it went nice and smoothly, and here we are.

Live music going on, and we had a drink and then went out for dinner. After being at remote anchorages it's always a bit jaring to drop back into busy civilization, but it's also a lot of fun. We'll be here for 3 nights. Aria doesn't want to be sailing on her birthday (on Monday), so we'll spend that day here on land.

Previous: Sheephead Cove to Mid Hudson Creek - day 91