pilon island to vallyfield marina - day 5

Had a little rain overnight, and in the early morning, but cleared up to sunny before noon. Aria and Theone had a swim, and then we set out. Pulled up anchor and raised up full sails. Wind was on the nose, but beating into the wind with the current behind you is a lot of fun. Every tack you just drift up toward the wind more and more, and so it feels like your cheating.

Very light traffic day today as well which was nice. The channel is narrow so lots of tacking back and forth through it. Only had to dodge one ship the entire day. Really beautiful area, and a super fun sail. Winds started to die around 4pm as they often do, and so we put the sails away to motor the last bit to Vallyfield. Ended up running over a few big clumps of weeds and fouled our prop. You could feel it happen as the power of the engine just kind of fell off. I dropped into the water and cleared the prop and we continued on. Might have to consider a line cutter on our prop to help avoid this problem. Not the first time we've had this issue.

The entrance to Vallyfield is tight, and there was a ton of boat traffic. This is one happening place when it comes to boating, seemed kind of unreal after sailing all day and not seeing too many other boats. But we got in and onto our dock eventually. Very nicely equiped marina, and it lives up to all the recommendations people were giving us on it. Facilities are nice, and a shower was in order. Also got our water tanks topped off.

First time on land this trip, and we went out for dinner at a local brewery, for some food and drink, and then popped into the nearby dariy queen for some ice cream. We'd all been starting to crave it after all these hot days. There was some music happening in the park which was nice, and then we got back to the boat and off to bed.

Tomorrow we have booked the Beauharnois Locks, and we have to get under a lifting bridge at 9am, so it's going to be an early start.

Previous: iroquois locks and american locks - day 4 Next: vallyfield marina to point claire - day 6