preping to leave quebec city - day 14

Today was to be a pretty relaxing day, and it started as so. We woke up, made good use of the very wonderful marina facilities at the Quebec City marina, got some ice cream and then pushed off the dock. We were able to go straight into the small lock, to get out of the marina with 3 other boats, and were quickly out in the bay. Winds were nice, so we pulled up sail and tacked around the bay for a couple of hours which was nice. Perfect winds for some full sail sailing. It was very hot (I think above 30C) but felt pretty nice out on the water sailing.

We sailed into the anchorage just outside the city, and anchored with several other boats. We had some time to plan and tackle a few boat projects. Engine was due for it's first oil change this season (55 hours of runtime already, more than I usually do a season!), and for some reason I thought this would be a good idea to do at anchor. I made sure I had a new oil filter, pump, something to pump the old oil into and went ahead and started the oil change. All good, warmed up the engine, easily pumped out the oil, put on the new filter. Then time to top back up. I reached into the cabinet I keep the oil and picked up an almost empty jug of oil. And that is when I remembered I had forgot to bring to the boat the full jug I have sitting at home. Ugh. So I added the bit I had, and then we had to make a decision. It was still early enough to possibly row ashore, get an uber to a canadian tire nearby that had 18 in stock, and complete the job. Or I could just add some of the old oil back in, and have to do another change when I can get more oil.

We decided to try and get the oil, so we assembled the dingy (in 2 knots of current), realized it was getting dark, didn't have triple A batteries for the nav lights on the dingy lights, and everything ended up taking forever. I rowed Theone to shore and she attempted to get an uber, but by that time it was already going to be too late, and so we cancelled that plan. There was a gas station within walking distance, so Theone attempted heading there, but turns out that was along a 4 lane highway at night, so we aborted that plan as well. I rowed back to shore in the dark to pick Theone back up and we finally got back to the boat. In the end we did all that work for nothing, and ended up having to use the old oil to finish the change. Ugh. This was unfortunate, because now it was late, we had to get up at 3am to make our departure, and yeah... one of those long comedy of errors.

Anyways, got the dingy all back on deck, oil back in the engine, and boat cleaned up, and off to bed. Not nearly as relaxing of a day as we expected in the end, but sometimes that is how it goes.

Previous: in quebec city - day 13 Next: quebec city to Port de refuge de Cap-à-l'Aigle - day 15