Sandwich to Point Judith - day 71

Having two nights at the Marina in Sandwich was nice, but onward we go. Woke up very early in order to leave by 7:30am to take advantage of the current being in our favour through the Cape Code Canal. That proved wise and we made super quick time through the canal going around 9 knots over ground. Almost no traffic on the canal and it was a pretty easy motor through.

And that brought us out to Buzzards Bay. A fair number of fishing boat out here, but it's very large and wide. We sailed slowly for a little, motored for a little, sailed again some more, then motored more. It was light winds right on the edge of enough to sail on and not. We did get a good patch of nice wind to sail for a while, but then that died out too. Eventually the wind clocked around and picked up nicely, but being on the nose, with a slight current against us, made getting anywhere rather painful. We made a few large tacks, and then called uncle, and put the motor on in order to get to the anchorage before sunset.

We had originally planned to make it to Cuttyhunk Island, which was closer, but as we were underway we decided to change plans and make a longer passage to Point Judith, to then give us a very short hop to Block Island. This maybe wasn't the best call, as the anchorage at Point Judith ended up being quite rolly, but oh well.

We were tired enough we got a good sleep either way.

Previous: Glouscter to Sandwich - day 69 Next: Point Judith to Block Island - day 72