After a good sleep we woke up and had some time to enjoy the place we were in before moving down to White Cay where our buddy boats where. We were the only boat in the anchorage and it seemed crazy how beautiful and empty the place was. Aria and I jumped in the water and did some snorkeling around and into the beach where we were anchored. The water is so beautifuly clear and it was fun to finally be swimming in it after sailing through it for the past couple of days.
We saw lots of different fish, and it was a fun swim into the beach. As we were swimming a mega yacht came in to anchor much further out and then deployed a pair of jet skis and other toys. A pretty crazy difference from our little boat :)
We got back to the boat and pulled up anchor around 2pm, and then motored around the corner to White Cay. We went in and found a place to anchor. It turned into a pretty busy place with all the kid boats in there. There are two catamarans and three other sailboats we traveled over here with. Two Canadian, two Danish, an Austrialian, and a US boat.
We had a little fire on the beach that evening, something Aria has been wanting to do, and it was a really great evening with all the kids playing and hanging out on the beach.
Our plans are to stay here through Christmas, and through the next several days of easterly winds, and then we'll see where the weather takes us from there.