Summerside to Charlottetown - day 28

After not being able to rent a car in Summerside, and deciding to slow down a bit while we wait and see what Ernesto decides to do, we decided to hop over to Charlottettown. The winds were forecast to be pretty light, but we were pretty ok with a light wind sail after our long and challenging passage to Summerside.

We left pretty early in the morning, and set out with some very light winds. Just enough to sail reasonably after getting out of the harbour, so we put up sails and headed along. Unfortunately wind was a bit on the nose so it was a fair bit of tacking, and not all that quickly either. We sailed up to and under the confederation bridge. We crossed under near the PEI side and got lots of photos. It's certainly the longest bridge we've ever sailed under!

Wind got even lighter and we were forced to motor the rest of the way. As we continued it got glassy calm as can be seen in the photos. I always find it crazy to see such a large body of water so calm. Because we'd been tacking slowly upwind we were pretty late getting into Charlottetown. We called and they gave us directions to our slip. Unfortunately they don't have numbers on the dock at the yacht club, so we had boat directions, that we managed to mess up and went down the wrong rather narrow row of boats, which required carefully backing out of, but managed to do without incident thankfully. Then we finally found out slip and got tied up.

The yacht club in Charlottetown was quite nice, lots of sailing going on, and some interesting boats to see. Off to bed early as we have a car rental booked for the morning and lots to do and see.

Previous: Summerside - day 26 and 27 Next: Charlottetown - day 29