Tadussac- day 17

Today was a down day, so no movement of the boat, just another night here at the dock in Tadussac. We decided to stay another night to just rest and relax. When we came in yesterday they had put us in a big boat slip, and so it's been amusing for us to be docked up here around a bunch of 40 and 50 foot boats. Our boat looks super tiny in it's oversized slip...

Today we did some boat cleanup, more work on the heater install. We don't need the heater yet, but I suspect we will come the fall. We had a fair bit of water in our bilge today, and it's all from condensation. This 11C water is really chilling the hull of the boat, and so the much warmer air is producing a lot of condensation. This should be less of a problem as we move out of this area and the water temperature increases again. The deep cold waters from fjord here chill down the entire St Lawrence for this area.

We did get out for some hiking which was quite beautiful. Found a nice view of the harbour here. Also snagged a geocache, first one in a long time. The contrasts in temperate from land to sea are quite stark. It's pretty warm when you get up onto land, but as soon as you get down near the shore again it gets quite cool.

Tomorrow an early start to catch the tidal currents for our sail to Rimouski.

Previous: Cap-à-l'Aigle to Tadussac- day 16 Next: Tadussac to Rimouski - day 18