Isle Au Haut Thorofare to Camden - day 58

Calm morning on the mooring ball, but just enough wind to sail off the ball. I always love leaving in the morning under the silence of sail, something beautiful about it...

Nice sail out of the narrow thorofare, and then drifted out into the larger bay. Winds were really light, but we had time so we drifted along. Slow going for most of the morning but winds picked up and we had a great sail in the afternoon making great way towards Camden.

Lots of sailboats out today (perfect day for it), and even more of them out when we got near Camden. I hadn't realized how busy Camden was, I pictured it much smaller in my mind, but there are a ton of boats here.

We got in and were able to pick up a floating dock in the inner harbour. This is a neat option, and lets them pack in even more boats than just mooring themselves would be able to accommodate.

After we got settled, we met up with my Mom and Aunt who came down to Maine to visit us, and take Aria while they are here. We went out for a nice dinner and then got a few gifts of things we needed for the boat and ordered back home, plus a few requested items (wool sweaters and a comforter, thanks mom!)

We've planned to stay here for a few days while they are in town before continuing on.

Previous: Burnt Island Throughfare East to Isle Au Haut Thorofare - day 57 Next: Camden - day 59, 60 and 61