Shelter Cove to Halifax - day 42

I was hopeful for some good winds today, but didn't want to get my hopes up too much because wind predictions are just that. But today the prediction came in exactly as predicted and we had beautiful winds all day long. We were hoping to make Halifax in one go today, but had a couple of other options planned as well in case the winds didn't turn out.

The day started well with some light winds in the anchorage, and we were able to raise sails and sail off anchor without the engine which I always enjoy. That went well and we put out the genoa after coming out of the anchorage and starting making our way our way out.

The winds came up nicely and from the north which gave us a great beam reach all the way to Halifax. The boat is super happy on this point of sail and beyond having to reef and unreef the main a few times, and roll away some genoa at one point when the wind was super gusty, we made great way. Sea state was pretty reasonable too. Big swell from the ocean, but not too much wave from the wind coming off the shore.

We made the 48.8 NM hop in 8 hours 17 minutes, with an average speed of 5.9 knots, which is pretty speedy for us. We usually hope for a 5 knot average, and that ends up being optimistic sometimes. So a 5.9 knot average over that length of time is sweet.

We called and booked a slip at the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron, which is the oldest yacht club in the americas interestingly enough. Very cool place, and we had a slip beside a row of six J120's. Lots of racy boats on the docks which is always fun to ogle over.

We visited the restaurant at the club for a really nice dinner after a long day, and passed out early after getting back to the boat. Hard to believe we are finally here. This has been one of the big city destinations we had been working towards for the last few weeks and it's nice to finally arrive. We have plans to relax here for a bit, reprovision, and then we'll need to start planning the next leg of the trip in some more detail.

Previous: Tuffin Island to Shelter Cove - day 40 and 41 Next: Halifax - day 43, 44, and 45