Tadussac to Rimouski - day 18

Early cold morning, we left the dock at Tadussac. I'm not sure what happens at Tadussac wind wise, but there always seemed to be very strong winds coming off the land and through the marina. We were pretty nervous leaving the dock, I think we are both out of practice …

Tadussac- day 17

Today was a down day, so no movement of the boat, just another night here at the dock in Tadussac. We decided to stay another night to just rest and relax. When we came in yesterday they had put us in a big boat slip, and so it's been amusing …

Cap-à-l'Aigle to Tadussac- day 16

We left Cap-à-l'Aigle around 6am in order to catch the out-flowing current. No wind to start but it picked up a bit later in the morning and so we were able to make good way downwind on just the genoa. We saw more minke whales and got a picture of …

quebec city to Port de refuge de Cap-à-l'Aigle - day 15

Alright, so this is a big leg of the trip we had been planning for. The key to this passage was to play the tides and current to make a fairly large hop from Quebec City to Cap-a-l'Aigle. This is 70 nautical miles, and depending on when you leave you …

preping to leave quebec city - day 14

Today was to be a pretty relaxing day, and it started as so. We woke up, made good use of the very wonderful marina facilities at the Quebec City marina, got some ice cream and then pushed off the dock. We were able to go straight into the small lock …

in quebec city - day 13

Today was a down day as we booked two nights at the marina here. We finally did some more detailed planning on the next leg of the trip and figured out how to traverse this next part of the river.

As the tide comes in and our it creates some …

portneuf to quebec city - day 12

So we are starting to have to plan our trips based on tides and current a little bit now. We wanted to leave at 6am from our anchorage in order to get into quebec city without large currents against us. So we pulled up anchor early in the morning after …

lac saint pierre to portneuf - day 11

Got up very early to get an early start to make it to an anchorage just outside of Portneuf. It was another zero wind day, so we pulled up anchor and then set out under motor across Lac Saint Pierre (which looks like a very large lake, but is more …

la ronde to lac saint pierre - day 10

Left as early as we could, and headed out of Montreal downstream. No wind to start, but we had a light wind at our aft and put up sail and managed to sail a good part of the way. Lots of gybing back and forth in light winds, but with …

la ronde - day 9

Woke up late after a nice sleep at the dock, and booked our tickets for the park. Got in when it opened and did our rounds of the park. For more details on that see Aria's blog.

We got back to the boat, and made use of the free wifi …

point claire to la ronde - day 8

Onwards! We said our goodbye's and Au revoir's this morning, and did one last shopping run in Point-Claire for some iced coffee's, and a stop at the used clothing store for a sweater for Aria (I'm not sure why she needs a new sweater in this heat, but she assured …

montreal - day 7

Today is our first day of not sailing. Got some work done in the morning, and then we all travelled into the old port of Montreal. Weather was nice and cool, and a great day to tour around the old city. Old Montreal is a really special place, and I'm …

vallyfield marina to point claire - day 6

Left Vallyfield marina at 8am and motored out and down the channel to the lifting bridges before Beauharnois. Got there at 9am for the lifting time, but it seems like they were running a bit late and opened 10 or 15 minutes after 9. The next bridge opened at 10am …

pilon island to vallyfield marina - day 5

Had a little rain overnight, and in the early morning, but cleared up to sunny before noon. Aria and Theone had a swim, and then we set out. Pulled up anchor and raised up full sails. Wind was on the nose, but beating into the wind with the current behind …

iroquois locks and american locks - day 4

Another beautiful day weather wise, but without any wind... But mostly just transiting locks, so not so bad.

We didn't get the super early start we were hoping for because I enjoy sleep too much, but got up to the Iroquois locks and radioed in with them letting us know …

brockville to iroquois locks - day 3

Easy slow day today after the long run yesterday. Did some swimming and cleaning in the morning, and left our anchorage at Brockville just before 1pm. Zero wind today, so motored down the channel to Iroquois Lock. Anchored around a small island just before the lock around 4pm. Did some …

kingston to brockville - day 2

The winds did not disapoint and we had a really wonderful downwind sail from Simcoe Island all the way to Brockville. Had some excitement when we unexpectently met the pocker run coming through the 1000 islands. Crazy timing in that we basically met the start of the run at the …

finally leaving the dock - day 1

We are finally off! After missing all our deadlines, July 7th originally, with a backup plan of July 15th at the latest, we finally managed to get off the dock today, July 19th.

It's been a chaotic few weeks, completing the dingy build, getting all the last minute projects on …

boat delivery to toronto

Helped a friend deliver a Benetau 31 from Bath to Toronto. Really nice boat, and first sail of the year for 2024.

Almost 24 hours exactly from port to port, pretty light winds, but we were able to sail most of the night. Ended up having to replace an impeller …